Friday, September 19, 2008


Many of today's media technology projects integrate a wide array of different technologies including presentation, projection & display, sound reinforcement, lighting, HD cameras and HD screens, computers and servers, communications systems (such as wireless microphone systems), conference room equipment, mixing consoles and automated or manual control systems, security systems, digital display networks, plus all other costs such as software, mounting brackets, wiring, shipping, installation, training, warranty and services. Virtually all costs including labor may be included in the financing however most equipment finance lenders exclude real property such as land or permanent buildings from such financing.

Media Systems Integration Financing offers the bundling of most project costs into a single monthly payment to simplify budgeting, and planning. At the same time Media Systems Integration Financing spreads project costs to match the timing of revenues and cash flow. This spreading of costs and delaying of costs to future payment periods acts as a "hedge against inflation" because it allows for payment of current costs (payments) with current dollars and future payments with future revenues.

Media systems integration projects can be found in churches, stadiums and arenas, corporate conference rooms and training facilities, broadcast studios, and live staging, event and concert venues. Increasingly media systems integration are installed with retailers, shopping malls, restaurants and nightclubs.

In many cases interim financing or "interest only" is provided during the build-installation phase followed by fixed-rate, firm-term financing for 12 to 84 months. Generally financing is provided at competitive rates but without common bank encumbrances such as "blanket liens", restrictive covenants, or annual fees.